What is driving the US M&A market
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What is driving the US M&A Market?

I asked Taylor Devine, Principal from Washington DC and a fellow of the M&A Source, on his insig...

Accenture's Perspective on the Current M&A Landscape
Posted on in IT Services, M&A News
A conversation with Accenture on the current M&A landscape

Many of our clients are keen to understand if there are still buyers in the market and how has COVID...

M&A Activity
Posted on in M&A News
M&A Activity Update – Impact on Succession Planning

Many of our clients have contacted us to get our views on how the market has changed because of COVI...

When the wind changes will your business be sale ready?
Posted on in M&A News
When the winds change will your business be sale-ready?

Uncertain times lie ahead in the global economy and many business owners are re-evaluating their exi...

M&A opportunities as a strategic pivot
Posted on in M&A News
M&A as a Strategic Pivot – accelerating competitive positioning

The COVID-19 crisis has triggered the reassessment of business strategy across most, if not all, sec...

What company owners can do now, if they are thinking of selling their firms later in the year?
Posted on in M&A News, Private Equity
What can company owners do now if they are thinking of selling their firms later?

In an effort to continuously assist our clients and partners during this difficult time, we are laun...