Debt Market Liquidity Returning to Recover
Posted on in Private Debt
Debt Market Liquidity Returning to Recover

July saw the US debt markets continuing to rebound in stark contrast to most western economies and A...

M&A Insights from Ten Consulting Engineering
Posted on in Engineering
M&A Insights from Ten Consulting Engineering Firms

Over the past month Mark Goodwin, Roger Collins-Woolcock and Warren Riddell have hosted a series of ...

Eaton Square grows in Spain and Italy
Posted on in Company News
Eaton Square Expands in Spain and Italy, Growing in Europe

Eaton Square toma posiciones en España e Italia. Creciendo en Europa   Eaton Square is plea...

What is driving the US M&A market
Posted on in M&A News
What is driving the US M&A Market?

I asked Taylor Devine, Principal from Washington DC and a fellow of the M&A Source, on his insig...

US Corporate Debt Market Opening Up
Posted on in Private Debt
US Corporate Debt Market Opening Up

Whether to finance acquisitions, discharge restrictive or unfavourable debt terms, to fund growth or...

Accenture's Perspective on the Current M&A Landscape
Posted on in IT Services, M&A News
A conversation with Accenture on the current M&A landscape

Many of our clients are keen to understand if there are still buyers in the market and how has COVID...