Georg von Greiff

Georg von Greiff is a Principal at Eaton Square. He brings wide-ranging experience in both corporate and small business environments.

Georg started his professional career in the corporate world, working in several countries as Business Unit Manager, Marketing Head, and Customer Service Director for Fortune 100 companies (CitiGroup, Disney, Boston Consulting Group). After relocating from New York City to Florida in 2001, Georg left the corporate world and became an entrepreneur, launching a successful real estate brokerage firm. Georg later founded a local Mergers and Acquisitions company, assisting clients in various industries.

Georg has lived and worked in Europe, the US, and several Latin American countries. Georg has a BS in Actuarial Science and an MBA from Northwestern University’s J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management, with Majors in Marketing, Strategy, and International Business. He graduated in the top 10% of his class (Beta Gamma Sigma).

Georg was born in Munich, Germany, and is fluent in English, Spanish, and German.