Posted on 4 月 8, 2019 by 里斯 · 亚当斯 在 Company News
We are pleased to announce that Peter Allen has joined Eaton Square as a Principal in Ottawa, Canada.
Peter brings with him more than 35 years of management experience working in large multinational corporations, as a founder of a venture backed start up business and as the CEO of a high tech public company.
- 领导一家市值25亿美元并在多地拥有超过4000名员工的光电子元件公司,该公司向国际市场提供激光器、光接收器和无源元件。
- 领导并完成了包括关停业务和剥离非核心业务的收购项目重组任务
- 多个全球并购项目,收购金额从1000万美元到35亿美元不等
- 某硅谷风险投资公司的创始人,致力于研究长距离光网络的光学解决方案,包括光交换和控制平面功能
- 另一家风投公司的高管,旗下数个项目正在多伦多证券交易所和纳斯达克上市
- 在电信、无线和光学领域拥有着丰富的经验,同时也曾汽车行业工作
- Practised in global markets with more than $1B of revenues in North America, EMEA, India and Japan. Establish a Joint Venture in India.
- Peter has lived and worked in Europe, Africa and North America. He is both a UK and Canadian citizen and divides his time between Ottawa, Canada, the United Kingdom and the Caribbean.
Peter is joining the Canadian team. You can contact Peter at [email protected] or via phone: +1 416 640 7124 or +1 613 853 3030.