Greg Mazza
Greg Mazza is a Principal at Eaton Square. His diverse industry experience spans Automotive, Credit Cards, Financial Services, Insurance, and Tech (AI / ML products and platforms). He is an early stage / growth company advisor as well as an Individual Sponsor. He is functionally diverse having held leadership roles as CFO, CEO, head of Legal, HR, Strategy, Innovation and Governance, Business Development and Marketing. Greg has always sought solutions to difficult problems regardless of role or company scale.
Example work includes leading the GM Credit Card reward program and its international expansion to Australia, UK and Europe to negotiating the GM / Warner Bros JV and implementing the first co-branded minivan to market.
He later helped lead the sale of Metris’ (a T.H. Lee company; later HSBC) $400M Insurance and Financial Services entity to CPP Group Plc in York, England including post-transaction carveout, transition and setup of the new independent entity. And later, again leading its sale and transition to AmTrust Insurance.
Following AmTrust, he was appointed head of strategy, innovation, governance, and business development for a new MetLife business unit that successfully introduced fully digital life insurance. During this time, he became involved with the Charlotte innovation community, joining forces with other corporations and city government in driving FinTech and InsureTech growth.
After MetLife exited the digital business, Greg became an Individual Sponsor (starting from scratch), generating deal flow, vetting opportunities, negotiating deal terms, developing and running models, and sourcing funding – until the pandemic…
Greg holds an MBA from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, Ann Arbor, as well as an advanced degree in BioMedical Engineering and a B.S. Electrical Engineering from Ohio State.