
Andrew Light is a Principal at Eaton Square. He brings over 25 years of expertise having both professional firm and client-side industry experience. Andrew was formerly Vice President of consulting & deals for PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), as well as having held senior client-side roles with enterprises such as IBM, British Telecom, Shell, and Sapient.


As a seasoned business executive Andrew assists clients with their 并购交易, and accessing capital for corporate growth. Andrew’s record of outstanding success includes helping clients over a variety of sectors in implement winning strategies of internal and external change.

多年来和安德鲁合作的客户包括了英国英杰华集团、奥纳电影城、黑莓、First Niagar(金融服务)、加拿大邮政、壳牌石油、日出(瑞士)、阿斯利康、英国大东电报局、南非M-Web公司、加拿大国家电影局、辉瑞制药、加拿大北方电信有限公司、加拿大哥伦比亚盆地信托、加拿大安大略省政府、以及加拿大阿尔伯塔省税务局。
