Selling a business – Beware, not all non-binding offers are non-binding!
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Selling a business – Beware, not all non-binding offers are non-binding!

Beware, not all non-binding offers are non-binding! Despite the non-binding wording of ...

M&A Readiness Coaching is Essential for Mid-Market Companies
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M&A Readiness Coaching is Essential for Mid-Market Companies

As a business owner, you have invested countless hours, resources, and passion into building your co...

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Earnout: Bridging the Gap in Price Negotiation

An earnout, a potent tool in negotiating a business's purchase price, serves as a bridge between the...

Identifying the 3 Types of Business Buyers When Selling Your Business
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Identifying the 3 Types of Business Buyers When Selling Your Business

Recognizing the shared traits among different buyer categories can empower sellers to create balance...

From Recession to Resilience: Shifting Outlook of Private Capital Market
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From Recession to Resilience: Shifting Outlook of Private Capital Market

Stefan Shaffer shares the latest US Private Capital Report for June 2023. The private credit markets...

The Perils of a One-buyer Deal
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Selling Your Business: The Perils of a One Buyer Deal

If you have a successful company that would be attractive to potential buyers, you owe it to yoursel...