We are pleased to announce our continuous expansion in the US with the opening of the Boulder, Colorado office.

Mike Wasik and Andy Baxter will be leading Eaton Square in Boulder, Colorado.

Mike WasikMike is an experienced M&A executive and entrepreneur with over 25 years leading and building strong teams. He spent 10 years as the CEO for a publicly-traded software and telecommunications company, President of an AdTech company, founder and CEO of 2 companies in the IT services and hospitality technology sectors.

Mike completed two company exits and has facilitated and managed the acquisition of a Canadian media and entertainment company and a Colorado-based IT services company. He has also worked in a strategic consulting and M&A advisory role for multiple companies including a PBC SAAS company servicing the non-profit sector, an AdTech company and a construction tech company.

Mike was nominated for the 2005 Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year award.

Andrew BaxterAndy is a seasoned executive with 20+ years of senior leadership, founding, transaction, and operating experience—gained in both Fortune 500 and emerging companies.

He has served in many C-Level and advisory roles across technology, services, and heavy industrial sectors. Andy has lived and worked in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia. He has led buy and sale processes for both publicly-traded and privately-held organizations, collaborating with all parties in order to understand and achieve their ideal transaction outcomes.

“Personally, we are experiencing an uptick in demand from both strategic and financial buyers looking to make acquisitions in the technology sector, specifically in focused IT services. Joining Eaton Square broadens our clients’ geographical reach and opportunities. Eaton Square’s capabilities in other key sectors will complement our team’s experience as well,” Mike Wasik, Principal.

To get in touch with our team in Boulder, Colorado please contact:

Mike Wasik, Principal
电子邮件: mike.wasik@eatonsq.com
移动: +1 303 641 8779

Andrew Baxter, Principal
电子邮件: andrew.baxter@eatonsq.com
移动: +1 720 215 2174

里斯 · 亚当斯


里斯·阿德南斯(Reece Adnams)是伊顿广场(Eaton Square)的首席执行官兼全球董事总经理,他是成立于2008年的技术,服务和其他成长型公司的并购与资本服务顾问。

reece.adnams@eatonsq.com 61 03 8199 7911 eatonsq.com