Carlos González Serna

Carlos Gonzalez Serna is a Principal at Eaton Square and has a seasoned and well-established career in finance, specifically investment banking, IPOs and financial management.

He started his career as Director of Analysis in Gesconsult, SGIIC. He has been Latam Corporate Finance Deputy Director at BBVA and Private Banking General Manager of Hypovereinsbank in Spain. He later joined the world of private equity as General Manager of EBM SGECR. During the last years of his professional life he has been CFO of Interdin, a specialized Equity, FX, Derivatives and Fixed Income broker, and recently, Finance Manager and Compliance Director of Indexa AV, the first Spanish robo-advisor.

Es licenciado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales y MBA y MSc. en Finanzas ambos de IE Business School. El Sr. González recibió una Maestría en Contabilidad de Gestión Estratégica de UCD-Michael Smurfit Business School y es Contador calificado por el Chartered Institute of Management Accountant (CIMA).