In the first part of this series, we discussed five key questions that buyers typically ask when evaluating a software company for acquisition. Today, we’ll continue by exploring the remaining questions that focus on your company’s market position, product uniqueness, scalability, team structure, and investment history. Understanding these questions and preparing strong answers will position your company as an attractive target for buyers, especially private equity firms.

6. What’s your current market share in your major market, and who are your main competitors?

Buyers are keen to understand your position within the market. They’ll ask about your current market share to gauge how dominant or competitive your company is. PE firms often seek companies that have captured a significant market share in a growing industry, as this indicates a strong competitive position. Additionally, knowing who your main competitors are and how you stack up against them provides buyers with insights into the challenges they might face post-acquisition. A strong market share and a well-defined competitive strategy can significantly increase your company’s valuation.

7. What’s unique about your product compared to competitors?

In a crowded software market, product differentiation is key. Buyers want to know what sets your product apart from the competition. Whether it’s a unique feature, superior technology, or a particularly user-friendly interface, your product’s unique selling points (USPs) can be a major factor in attracting a buyer. PE firms are especially interested in proprietary technology or intellectual property that creates a competitive moat, as this can lead to sustainable long-term growth. Demonstrating a clear value proposition not only helps in standing out in the market but also in negotiating better terms during the sale.

8. How scalable is your infrastructure, and what’s your current customer support load?

Scalability is a critical factor for buyers, especially those looking to expand the business post-acquisition. They’ll want to know if your infrastructure can handle a significant increase in users or if it requires substantial investment to scale. PE firms typically look for companies with scalable platforms that can support rapid growth without significant additional costs. Additionally, understanding your current customer support load and how well your team manages it gives buyers a sense of the operational efficiency and customer satisfaction levels. A scalable infrastructure and a well-managed support system are strong selling points.

9. What’s your current team structure, and are key personnel interested in staying post-acquisition?

The strength and stability of your team are essential considerations for buyers. They’ll want to know about your current team structure, including the roles of key personnel and their willingness to stay on after the acquisition. Continuity in leadership and key roles can smooth the transition and maintain business momentum post-sale. PE firms often value companies with experienced management teams that are committed to the company’s long-term success, as this reduces the risk associated with the acquisition. Ensuring that your team is motivated and aligned with the company’s future can make your business more attractive to buyers.

10. How much capital have you raised from external investors?

The amount of capital raised and the involvement of external investors can impact the sale process. Buyers will ask about your funding history to understand the financial obligations and expectations that come with external investment. PE firms are particularly interested in companies that have raised capital from reputable investors, as this can indicate strong growth potential and validation of the business model. However, they will also assess any outstanding equity stakes or convertible notes that could affect the valuation or sale process. Transparency in this area helps in building trust and setting clear expectations for both parties.


These ten key questions form the foundation of what buyers, especially private equity firms, look for when evaluating a software company for acquisition. By preparing thorough and honest responses, you can present your company in the best possible light and increase your chances of a successful sale.
At Eaton Square, we specialize in helping software companies navigate the complex process of selling their business. Our experienced team can guide you through these critical questions, ensuring that you’re well-prepared and positioned for the best possible outcome. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in selling your software company.

Neil Bourne

Director Gerente

Neil Bourne es el director general de Eaton Square Sydney. Neil ha trabajado con empresas de tecnología en etapa de crecimiento durante más de 15 años en capital de riesgo y finanzas corporativas. Neil está casado con Sarah, tiene tres hijos y disfruta del jiu-jitsu brasileño y los deportes al aire libre.

[email protected] 61 1800 332 866