
Karl Schutte is a principal with Eaton square having recently joined after operating his own advisory firm Renewable Capital. In the past 7 years Karl has worked in the Cleantech sector offering strategic advice and capital raising both debt and equity. His clients include companies in the Solar, LED lighting, Sustainable infrastructure, waste management and water management industries.

过去二十五年来,卡尔一直在投资银行的战略咨询和融资部门工作。 卡尔之前在大型企业的工作经验包括了:毕马威会计师事务所(约翰内斯堡)、兰德商业银行(Rand Merchant Bank,约翰内斯堡)、德意志银行(悉尼)项目融资和杠杆融资部门,新西兰罗斯柴尔德(悉尼)并购融资总监,以及格兰特萨缪尔咨询公司(Grant Samuel)债券咨询总监。

卡尔的教育背景包括了威特沃特斯兰德大学(University of the Witwatersrand)金融(荣誉)学士学位、麦格理管理学院(Macquarie Graduate School of Management)的工商管理硕士学位、以及麦格理大学(Macquarie University)的环境管理硕士学位。